Welcome to STE Africa!

With innovation
our journey starts . . . |

STE Africa is an innovation-driven technology house that offers smart technology and
engineering solutions for different customers across different industries.

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Company Story

About STE

  • STEAfrica is an end-to-end system integrator specialized in Telecom Operations, Smart-Buildings, Data Centers, and Mobility Solutions.
  • STE Started as Individual Company at 2022 Based in Madagascar and soon enough Moved to Tanzania.
  • During 2023 STE Transferred to SARL Company After Partnership with AFROGROUP to Expand the Opportunities and Markets
Panel Instalations
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Company Services

What We Do



Our reliable fiber infrastructure and top-notch connectivity services support your business's digital ambitions.



A trusted partner for telecommunications infrastructure development in the Middle East and Africa, known for our quality and reliability.




Field services


Reliable and comprehensive field services for telecom, strategic maintenance, and their verticals, ensuring smooth operations and successful deployments.

Drive tests


Our dedicated team of field service technicians and engineers is equipped to conduct professional, practical, and strategic drive tests.

Civil works


Providing high-quality, reliable public works planning and design solutions for telecom, municipal, industrial, and civil projects.


Leading the Way in Innovative Solar Energy Technologies

  • Sustainable development: Solar energy is a key component of sustainable development goals, promoting clean energy, economic growth, and environmental protection.
  • Addressing energy poverty: Solar power can provide electricity to remote and underserved areas, helping to alleviate energy poverty.

By leading in innovative solar energy technologies, we can accelerate the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Wind Energy
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Solar Energy
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Electric Energy
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STE Africa ...Your Digital Innovation Partner

Vision, Mission, Values

  • Purpose

    “Born with a clear purpose of empowering telecom and engineering sectors with smart solutions.”
    We are a specialized end-to-end system integrator partnering with global vendors to deliver excellence.

  • Vision

    “To be digital transformation part of choice for telecom and engineering solutions in Africa”

  • Mission

    • Deliver innovative solutions
    • Ensure Business Excellence
    • Innovate Agile Solutions
    • Create Sustainable Impact

Why Solar?

Safest & Swiftes

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Four Steps Forward

Navigating Our Process

Consult Project

Goal: Understand the customer's specific needs and define the most suitable solution. Tasks: Initial contact with the customer to gather their expectations (internet speed, electrical power, etc.). Feasibility study: verify network coverage, existing infrastructure, etc. Presentation of a personalized offer: detail the services offered, rates, and installation timeframes.

Installation System

Goal: Set up the necessary equipment to provide services to the customer. Tasks: Delivery of equipment to the customer's site. Installation of equipment (internet boxes, smart meters, etc.) by qualified technicians. Cabling and configuration of equipment.

Project Execution

Goal: Ensure the successful commissioning of services and resolve any issues. Tasks: Activation of services (internet, electricity). Performance testing to verify the quality of services. Customer training on the use of equipment and services. Customer follow-up to ensure satisfaction.

Ready to Use

Goal: The customer fully benefits from the subscribed services. Task: Delivery of contractual documents and invoices. Provision of customer support to answer questions and resolve any issues.


What Our Clients Say

“Discover why our customers choose us. Read their testimonials below.”

Are You Ready To Start

New Project With Us?

“Entrust us with your new project, our team of experts is at your service.”

Smart Technoligies & Engineering (STE) Africa is an innovation-driven technology house that offers smart technology and engineering solutions for different customers across different industries.

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Field Services

Drive Tests

Civil Works

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